Sunday, 16 September 2012

Hair Loss can be Traumatic


CBS Early Show - Hair Loss/Hair Transplant by Dr_Alan_Bauman

Your diet contributes to the health of your hair. A healthy diet leads to a head full of thick, lustrous vibrant hair. When you eat well, nutrients get supplied to your hair and help it grow. Next time you don’t feel the need to eat well, remember that you could be endangering your lovely beautiful hair. Eat well and you can help your hair to continue looking full and lovely.

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Some teenagers may experience hair loss as a result of medication they may be taking due to several conditions. If you are taking lithium, for example, you may experience hair loss to some degree. Acne treatment medication such as isotretinonion can cause extensive hair loss in teenagers. So, if your teenager is experiencing hair loss, look out for these possible causes and let your dermatologist know about them.


Alopecia Areata is a hair loss condition that affects more than five million people in the United States alone. Alopecia Areata is a hair loss condition that can spread to the body if it is in its extreme form. Alopecia Areata is actually an autoimmune disease that affects the natural function of the body and causes extreme hair loss. If you suspect Aleopecia Areata, see a dermatologist at once. The hair extensions gold coast designs are top quality and fashionable.


Androgenetic Alopecia is a hair loss condition that is caused by the imbalance of the androgens and genetics hormones. Hair loss can begin as early as mid teen years. People who take steroids such as testosterone can experience a degree of hair loss. You can buy baby shampoo for your hair to prevent hair loss. Use baby shampoo to wash your hair once a day and ensure that you don’t lather your hair vigorously to prevent hair loss. Taking care not to towel your hair vigorously can help prevent hair loss. You see, your hair is very delicate and anything you do can affect it. That’s why it’s extremely important that you do only those things that aren’t detrimental to your hair.


Have you ever heard of Alopecia Areata and it’s detrimental involvement in hair loss. If not, listen up. Alopecia Areata, in its most extensive form, can lead to total baldness. Sometimes, Alopecia Areata can come in a circular patch that may grow back after a maximum of six months. Patients who have localized hair loss hardly ever lose their entire hair.

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